Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buying a Hot Tub For Your Vacation Rental Property

Many vacation rental property owners benefit greatly from having a hot tub on the premises. Investing in a hot tub can help you draw more renters, especially during the off-seasons.

Many guests inquire during the months of November and December about our homes having hot tubs.

As for managing and cleaning, we can help you to hire a qualified spa specialist to come and clean your hot tub after each guest leaves. The jury is still out as to whether or not you should empty, clean and refill the water after each guest. If you already have a hot tub, we will add a clause to your rental rules regarding hot tub safety.

If you don't have one already think about Installing a hot tub. It's a big draw for potential guests.

1 comment:

Madrona57 said...

Sandi: You're absolutely right about hot tubs being a big draw for renters. So many times renters call and ask if there's a hot tub and when told, "No". simply hang up. Be sure to tell your readers to get one with 100% filtration (meaning 24/7) with no timer. The water will stay much cleaner and it probably won't freeze. However, you are very wrong about not being able to test the chemicals until the water is up to temperature. I've been in the business for over 30 years and that must be some kind of urban rumor. Use test strips to test, clean the filters after every guest, keep the water in balance and you'll have a great hot tub experience for your renters. They'll be so happy with your rental, they'll come back and tell their friends. You're absolutely right: a hot tub is a great way to draw renters. chemicals