Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How to make your vacation home friendly to green travelers

If you’re looking for ways to attract more travelers, consider going green. With the explosion of greener vehicles and interest in alternative energy sources, now is the perfect time to get in on the green market. People who are willing to spend extra to make environmentally friendly changes in their own lives are also willing to spend the money to rent an eco-friendly vacation home.
By making small, relatively inexpensive modifications to your vacation homes, you will attract these travelers. Offer easy recycling by providing separate bins for plastics, glass, and cans at each home. Use eco-friendly appliances (such as those labeled with the "Energy Star" and replace all your old, inefficient filament light bulbs with newer, longer lasting, economical bulbs. Another easy way to make your vacation homes more energy efficient is to set your water heater at the lowest effective setting, especially when unoccupied. Provide filtered water systems and thorough guides to area public transportation. For more ideas about easy ways you can modify your vacation homes for eco-conscious travelers, check out this article on the top 10 ways to make your home green.

Once you make your vacation homes green, it is equally important to employ a good marketing campaign so that travelers are aware of your efforts. Not only will you gain business by offering green options; you will continue to reap the benefits of the eco-friendly appliances, lighting, etc. that you have installed as they save you energy and money over time. The newer light bulbs commonly advertise 75% energy savings, and can last up to ten years.

To attract repeat business from people who are not already living green, educate them about the changes you have made to your homes. Stock your homes with materials such as books and pamphlets which inform travelers about what you are doing for the environment, and they will likely feel good about returning. Also include information on your website; you might just convince some travelers that an eco-friendly vacation home is what they’re looking for.
By Parag Vaish, Vice President of Marketing Escapia

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