Monday, February 11, 2008

Snow Removal Story From The

Arnold, CA...The Calaveras County Public Works Department really did a great job over the last wave of winter storms. With the low snow levels their crews were spread from Tamarak all the way down to and below Murphys for a long, long stretch of days. One of the great new additions the last couple of years is the new small snow blowers they have been using to clear the residential neighborhoods.

The difference between the blowers and the old road graders is comparable to a surgical knife vs. a sledgehammer. With the small blowers they can position the output so it doesn't fill up the driveway that the owners worked so hard to clear. They are also much less destructive to the roads and property.

The crews are owed a debt of thanks as well. They worked tirelessly for days and days to stay ahead of the storms. They drove and worked in very cold and wet conditions for days on end. Sometimes it seems we look at our county government as a glass half empty. This time the glass was clear full. Great job Public Works!!

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