Friday, May 23, 2008

Flags are flying in Arnold in Honor of Our Vets

If you have driven up and down the Ebbetts Pass Corridor the last few days you have no doubt seen the new patriotic eye fest. The Ebbetts Pass Veterans Memorial District and Scout Troops from Arnold & Murphys have festooned the area in Honor of Memorial Day.

The district helped with the funding of the project and the Scout Troops from the respective areas were in charge of mounting & display. We hope the flying of the flags become a preferment part of the holiday landscape. Thanks to everyone involved for doing this in honor of everyone who has served our county. Courtesy:

Happy Memorial Day Weekend from CENTURY 21 Sierra Properties

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's Frog Jump Weekend!

Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee

Fair Dates: May 14-18, 2008
Theme: Heard it through the Bovine

The world-renowned Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee has a rich heritage dating back to the 1800’s. In the early Gold Mining Days, the Mother Lode Country was very prosperous. It attracted many industrious individuals looking for adventure. One such individual was Samuel Clemens who regularly made the trip from San Francisco to a small mountain cabin near Angels Camp. It was during one of Mr. Clemens’ trips that he heard a tale that inspired his first published work, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”. The story records the antics of a character named Jim Smiley and his frog Dan’l Webster. Mr. Clemens first published this story in 1865 and used his pen name, “Mark Twain”, and so the legend began.

Today the adventure continues, we still jump frogs as part of the Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee, which is held annually the 3rd weekend in May. This “Old-Fashion County Fair” features exhibits, entertainment, rodeo, horse events, livestock exhibits and the best little carnival in the west. Everyone is your neighbor and you are hosted by the friendliest people on earth.
Let us know if you need a place to stay!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hwy 4 Clean-Up Day

Today we cleaned up our stretch of Hwy 4 from Meadowview through the town of Arnold and up past Moran Road. We wanted it to be nice and tidy for when you come up and visit on Memorial Day Weekend!